Monday, March 19, 2007

What makes men cry?

Entertainment Weekly asked its males readers to admit which movies made them cry, here are what the most popular results revealed:

§ The Shawshank Redemption
§ Armageddon
§ Chick Flicks (Terms of Endearment, Steel Magnolias)
§ Field of Dreams
§ Dog Movies (Old Yeller, My Dog Skip)
§ Good Will Hunting
§ Brian’s Song
§ Big Fish
§ Backdraft
§ Hoosiers
§ Hotel Rwanda
§ Saving Private Ryan

I myself have cried at some of these movies but I have my own list. Some I admit are silly but I will provide a reason for each selection. These movies have this way of just turning me into a blubbering mess. Which ones make the waterworks go out of control for you?

1) Schindler’s List –I watched this movie twice and it affected me so heavily, that I just can’t bring myself to watch it again. It basically puts my heart in a blender and pulverizes it.
2) Terms of Endearment – that scene where Shirley Maclaine realizes her daughter has died is heart wrenching. This movie taps into that love/hate relationship we daughters all have with our mothers.
3) A.I. – this might seem like a strange choice but it’s not, especially if you’re a mother. It taps into that motherly instinct inside most women and just rips it out. Again, one of these movies I watched once and can’t watch again.
4) Cocoon – makes me think of my grandparents and how sad it is to get old and watch everyone around you dying.
5) The Passion of the Christ – awful, awful experience. I literally ached inside while watching this movie from the deep pain I felt.
6) Forrest Gump – He loses the two most important women in his life back to back. The part where he asks if his son is smart or stupid like him – major tearjerker!
7) Hotel Rwanda – I’m with the men on this one. Absolutely heart-breaking.
8) Splash – Now, I know this sounds like a crazy choice but let me just say, this movie is one of my childhood favorites and yet it still affects me to this day. I guess it’s the whole concept of love seeing past physical differences and overcoming obstacles to be together.
9) Bambi and Dumbo – Two scenes kill me in these Disney favorites: when Bambi’s mother gets shot to death by a hunter and when Dumbo is being swayed gently in his mother’s trunk who’s behind bars at the circus.
10) Beaches – Any woman will tell you that this is the ultimate tearjerker of all time. When you combine the themes friendship and terminal illness, you have got a bonafide cry-fest on your hands.

Source: Entertainment Weekly,,20015186,00.html

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